CH Ignitions Universal Sensor Timing Device KIT



The universal Sensor Timing Device is a necessity, a must have “Toy” for correct setting the timing on your engine according to your OEM specification.

It can be used with any CDI made by Rcexl or CH Ignitions.

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SKU: CH-T-KIT Category:

The Piston Stop SET will let you to set timing on engines with:

  1. 14 x 1.25 threads, by combining the 10 x 1 mm piston stop with the 14 to 10 mm adapter.
  2. 10 x 1 mm threads by using the stand alone piston stop.
  3. 1/4-32 threads (same as GLOW plugs) by using the small piston stop.

On 10 x 1 mm 4 Stroke Engines DO NOT USE THE STAND ALONE 10 x 1 Piston Stop, you may damage the valves.
USE 1/4-32 in combination with the 10 x 1 mm to 1/4-32 adapter.

This device has the ability to work with Single or Dual output sensors.
The Single Sensors Output (3 Pin Connector) are used mostly on single and twin 2 or 4 stroke engines where is an even fire.
The Dual Sensor Output (4 Pin Connector) are used on multi cylinder 2 or 4 stroke engines; uneven twins, inline,”V” and radial engines.




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